Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Ortsgruppe Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn

Fahrrad Seitenansicht Illustration

Fahrrad Seitenansicht Illustration © ADFC | april agentur

Bicycle Training for Adult Beginners

You can do it: With the help of our bicycle school, this will be your cycling summer! Anyone can learn to ride a bike with us.

In our cycling school for adults, every year about 100 people between 20 and 70 years old start learning how to cycle. Many of them ride their bikes regularly afterwards.

Here you find our beginner courses for 2024. Here you can register for your course! (Form only available in German.)

Everything that you need to know about our Cycling Class

  • We practice on two safe training grounds without car traffic. Some courses take place on the Theresienwiese (Oktoberfest). We meet at our office "Radlerhaus". The others are in the district of Riem, where we  meet here. Both places are very easy to reach by subway.
  • We offer courses on weekends and evenings after work in small groups (max. 10 participants).
  • The courses last 16 school hours (16x45 minutes).
  • We practise with the school's training bicycles. Please do not bring a bike to class.
  • Our courses are led by two women or a woman and a man.
  •  If you have physical limitations and are not sure if you should learn to ride a bike: please talk to your doctor beforehand.
  • The language in the course is German, some of the trainers also speak English. Do not worry: We always have participants from different countries, who help each other understand the language.
  • The course costs €120 , which have to be payed in advance.

And here are the terms and conditions, if you take part in a class. (Form only available in German.)

Die Radfahrschule wird durch das Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz der Landeshauptstadt München unterstützt.

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